U&A Recordings
U&A Recordings
U&A celebrate 5 years at the top of the electronic tree with a series of peerless EPs, each one jammed pack full of exclusive goodies from the label and their friends. Volume Five closes out the series in fine style, with a wild and wonderful ride into the heart of the bass music landscape that's so dominated things in 2011. Label boss Elite Force kicks off procedings with a brand new exclusive in the form of 'Captain America' which seamless rolls from breaks into dusbtep without missing a beat, pusling along on a series of roaring basslines. We then welcome none other than Calvertron to the fray for a simple shredding dubstep remake of Zodiac Cartel's seminal 'We Don't Play That', with the original being put through the blender and spat out with fury. The rich vein of form's maintained with Elite Force's own Revamping of the Torqux and Twist remix of Peo de Pitte's 'Burning Up', bringing a bellyful of fire to the beast and once again slipping from breaks to dubstep with a huge, moshpit-enducing ball of fire, and we wind up this huge project with a cracking original from Torqux and Twist in the form of 'H.E.L.L.' which began life as a remix of Elite Force's 'M.A.D' but quickly blossomed into it's own new forms. A cracking end to the series I'm sure you'll agree.
Artist: Various Artists
Title: United & Anarchic Vol.5
Label: U&A Recordings
Cat: UAA056
01. Elite Force - Captain America (Soundcloud)
02. Zodiac Cartel - We Don't Play That (Calvertron Mx)
03. Peo De Pitte - Burning Up (Torqux & Twist vs. Elite Force Mx)
04. Torqux & Twist - H.E.L.L.
Buy It Here (Beatport)
Meanwhile the very excellent Meat Cassette have put together this slice of awesome for the new Elite Force single 'Captain America'... show it some love and share!