Pulver Records
Quinta, 14 de Dezembro
Pitch, Porto
Sexta, 15 de Dezembro
Património, Guimarães
Sábado, 16 de Dezembro
Forum d'Horas + Dub, Vizela

Muito poucos colectivos de produtores viram a sua reputação crescer tão rápidamente como a dupla formada por Danilo Plessow & Joachim Tobias. Trabalhando sob o nome de Inverse Cinematics, têm vindo a misturar da melhor forma House, Broken-Beat com uma forte inspiração no Jazz e Soul… Os 5 ep’s que lançaram foram acolhidos de forma surpreendente pelo meio musical fazendo com que sejam uma presença regular na pistas de dança desde a sua cidade natal, Estugarda, até à Ásia, onde já estiverem por diversas ocasiões em digressão.
Descobertos por Robin Hoffman, dono da Pulver Records, lançaram o seu primeiro ep nesta editora quando Danilo Plessow tinha ainda 17 anos, porém o som do colectivo mostrava já uma desenvoltura muito acima da média… Tal sonoridade faz com que actualmente trabalhem também para a Fluidounce e a Faces Records.
A nível de remisturas já trabalharam para os Zero dB (Ninja Tune), Nils Krogh (DNM), Perri & Zaumann (Pulver), The Invisible Session (Schema), Zimpala (Platinum), e Electrosacher (Ohm) apenas para citar alguns… Mesmo assim Danilo Plessow tem tempo ainda para as suas residências mensais em Milão, Zagreb, Vienna e Nova Iorque onde tem ganho nome como um dos deejays mais cativantes da actualidade, despertando o interesse de nomes como Gilles Peterson, Jazzanova ou Mr Scruff. Vem pela primeira vez a Portugal mostrar toda a sua técnica e groove na pista de dança…
Very few production units in the world have made their reputation growing as fast as the Inverse Cinematics duo of young Danilo Plessow & Joachim Tobias. Their distinctive sound signature blending House, chopped up breaks and Jazz aestethics have already causes quite a stir in lefts and rights of the global music scene. With only 5 twelves under their belt, Danilo & Joachim have succeed to put many a heavyweight on its knees, from London to Tokyo.
After having open their way in 2002 with the (highly collectable now) Slow Swing EP on Dublex Incs Pulver imprint, these Stuttgarts prodigies have blown expectations with the 10th release of Zero DBs imprint Fluid Ounce in october 2003. Indeed, Shoot The Pianist (Parts 1 & 2) have damaged many dancefloors wordlwide since then. This 3 tracker reached quickly amazing sales figures and stayed as one of the highlights of Gilles Petersons favourites on his Worldwide show that year. This release only brought them a horde of new fans as diverse as Jazzanova, Mr Scruff, dj Spinna, Spiritual South or H-Foundation and propelled them into the limited circle of the most wanted remixers. Besides already remarkable reworks of Erik Sumo and Dublex Incs classics on Pulver, the IC boys retweaked in the last 2 years quality material of Baby Mammoth (on Eccochamber), Motorcitysoul (on Infracom), Overtone (on Rosebud), Ye :Solar (on Vinyl Vibes) and Parov Stelar (on Etage Noir) to name a few... And if it wasnt enough, 2 other succesful EPs graced the boxes of many tastemakers : the incredible Detroit Jazzin EP, the Pulver follow-up end of 2004 and the recent Vogelhaufen EP released on Pablo Valentinos Faces imprint. On a solo tip, Danilo Plessow kept the standard high under his DITD moniker under which he signed tracks on Tokyodawn and an interesting rework of LAroye on Faces. His close connection with Valentino, the Strasbourg don, led him also to kick off their Hipster Wonkaz adventure with Hot Face/We Love on MFP Collectives Flying High with raving reviews and support as consequences. Expect some more craziness in the future and a complete full length is in preparation with Pulver.
Constantly playing around as his recent trips to Milan, Zagreb, Vienna and New York witness, Danilo Plessow is always finding time to work on some new material. While his boombastic percussion fuelled rework of Ye :Solar on Colognes Vinyl Vibes is in heavy rotation in many class A dj sets and his last Airwaves EP on Pulver still doing the round, Danilo is preparing some new Hipster Wonkaz tracks with his partner Pablo Valentino as well as continuing the heavy work to complete the Inverse Cinematics debut album due on Pulver in autumn 2006. Some interesting collaborators have been annouced such as the mighty Alice Russell but plans are mainly kept in the biggest secret in his Stuttgart studio. Danilo will appear soon also on the respected Raw Fusion imprint of Mad Mats with Lo Bailo / Guerillero, a double header of heavy latin broken funk under a new guise called Aphro Pzyko. A remix EP from his classic Vogelhaufen EP on Faces will follow soon with impeccable mixes courtesy of Dave Da Gato (Fluid Ounce) & Dogdaze (Flying High). On the remix front, Danilo didnt sleep neither in the recent times and many remixes will come in the next months: Nils Krogh on DNM, Perri & Zaumann on Pulver, The Invisible Session on Schema, Zimpala on Platinum, Electrosacher on Ohm...
Inverse Cinematics | MySpace
Inverse Cinematics | Metronomic-Family
Pulver Records
Faces Records
Fluid Ounce

Slow Swing E.P. (12") Pulver Records 2002
Shoot The Pianist (12") Fluid Ounce 2003
Detroit Jazzin' (12") Pulver Records 2004
Airways EP (12") Pulver Records 2005
Vogelhaufen EP (LP) Faces Records 2005