Groove Allegiance .uk
Splank Records
Quinta, 07 de Dezembro
Bazaar, Porto
A paixão pelo Breakbeat levou Jonathan Strinati e Christopher Hughes a formar os Groove Allegiance e a criar a editora Splank Records. Esta editora sedeada em Manchester é neste momento um dos expoentes máximos do ‘Funky-Breaks’ e uma das mais fortes apostas da música de dança no Reino Unido. Tendo lançado até ao momento dezasseis Ep’s têm no seu “rooster” nomes como Strider, Darftphunk, Strider para além do canadiano Myagi e da super estrela alemã Malente. Em nome próprio os Groove Allegiance lançaram já quatro Ep’s que alcançaram um enorme apoio por parte dos principais djs e chegaram também aos primeiros lugares dos “charts” Breakbeat.
Como “live act” os Groove Allegiance são um caso aparte pois para além do dj incluem uma guitarra que através de sonoridades funky evolui para uma maior proximidade com o ouvinte que cria um denominador comum: festa...
No breaks label would touch these boys with a barge pole so Jonny and Chris of Groove Allegiance thought “Bugger them, we’ll sign ourselves”. Even then after setting up Splank! it took 4 releases before they had the courage to unleash their imitable P-Funk breaks sound. And what a debut it was, ‘Hunkle My Funkle/System 100’ stormed onto the scene gaining worldwide acclaim from the big name DJ’s and airplay on Annie Nightingale’s BBC Radio 1 show. In a mission to spread their funkalicious groove disease they’ve produced a successsful follow up 'Rolands Revenge/A Good Day For Shirkin’, pimped themselves out to ibreaks and remixed for Circuit Breaker’s Viperjive and Jmekka's Vive. For the future they’ve got collaborations penned in with Moneyshot (thanks for the site Angus!) and of course Splank!Live, the Groove Allegiance is a truly unique beast in the Breakbeat world. To recreate their fat beats, grainy synths and trademark guitar edits, Jonny flexes on the decks whilst Chris plugs the axe in and lays down the p-funk. The guys have been tearing the roof offa many a party up and down the UK and beyond so expect to see them soon.

Groove Allegiance - The Moonfrog Jive (Splank!)
Groove Allegiance – Roland’s Revenge/A Good Day For Shirkin (Splank!)
Groove Allegiance – Beats ‘n’ Bobs (iBreaks)
Groove Allegiance – Hunkle My Funkle/System 100 (Splank!)
Infekto - Funky Music (Moneyshot)
Wiesel & Captain Koma - The Roll (Viperjive)
Digital Base – What Comes Out Of Me (Vive)
B-Phreak – Break Ya Self (Splank!)